Pistachio and almond dessert
A deliciously light and yet satisfying dessert. It can be eaten hot, warm or cold. Add some raspberries, oranges or plums for extra interst.
Once you feel the effect of positive eating, you will never want to feel bloated, sluggish and tired ever again.
Lowcarbsdietexpert.com is the new destination site for anyone looking for expert advice and support on adopting a healthy and relaxed attitude towards food. Whether you are at home, have dinner at a friend’s house or at the restaurant,
A deliciously light and yet satisfying dessert. It can be eaten hot, warm or cold. Add some raspberries, oranges or plums for extra interst.
A very low carb starter to get your taste buds flowing for the main course.
Before you begin to change anything about your food lifestyle, please make sure you consult with your health professional. It is a good idea to go and have a health check to make sure all is well. Low Carb Diet Expert (LCDE) can guide and support you towards a healthier and permanent food lifestyle. You will be able to get the most out of it by knowing the state of your health. If in doubt, ask your doctor. Is this an other diet? No, is the short answer. Although dieting has become rather fashionable and there are very few people who have not tried oneRead More →
A great deal has been published about low carb diets recently. From being a fad, to being endorsed and celebrated by celebrities and everything in between. Why is it so controversial? It is controversial because as with most fast track fad diets it focusses on rapid weight loss. Rapid weight loss is never the key to a happy relationship with food or your body. If we focus too much on what we should not eat and measure our success on the celebrities promoting these diets it will only ever be a short-term solution and disappointment looming around the corner. What can be done? To beginRead More →
Chickpea flour is a fine, gluten-free flour ground from dried chickpeas (garbanzo beans) used to make a variety of dishes in India. Also commonly called besan, you can purchase chickpea flour in any India grocery store, online, or check in your local health food store. Some large supermarkets stock Chickpea Flour now in their ‘Free From’ and asia iles, but it is well worth to shop around. A Substitute for All-Purpose Flour? You can substitute up to half the amount of all-purpose flour called for in a recipe with chickpea flour. This works best for quick breads and yeast breads. However any cake requiring veryRead More →
Restaurants Going to a restaurant and keeping it low carb can be quite daunting initially. 1) You don’t want to look picky 2) You might give in to temptation 3) What if they don’t have anything you like? What to eat Depending on the Restaurant of course, you will have to be very unlucky if they don’t have grilled meats (chicken, steak) or fish. Add a salad or greens to it and you have a meal. Go to the restaurant’s website, most have their menus out there for you to see. You could even call them. Some restaurants now have a special menu showing vegetarian,Read More →
It happens every time you plan on changing your eating habits; your friends invite you out to eat. You don’t want to say no because you do really want to go but you also want to stay on your low carb diet. You have all of your low carb dinner recipes planned that you’re going to cook yourself. If you go out to eat, all your efforts will go right out the window the moment you take even one bite of whatever fattening food is on the menu. Right? Wrong. Many restaurants these days have low carb diet menus to help people such as yourselfRead More →
A low carb vegetarian diet might be just what you are looking for if you need to lose weight. Many of the popular low carb diets out there involve eating unhealthy amounts of fat and cholesterol. While a well balanced low carb vegetarian diet may seem difficult to get used to over time you will be in much better shape if you alter your eating habits and you will look and feel better to boot. Ease Into A Low Carb Vegetarian Diet Try to eat lean meats only once per day, then only once per week and then once per month until you no longerRead More →
If you want to begin a diet and you want to be able to stick to it, you will have to find a diet that doesn’t feel like a diet. If you are the type of person who has failed on diets before, you will know that starting a new one is frustrating. Attitude is a good part of diet success. But getting a diet that uses high protein, low fat, low carb foods and that tastes good will also help you to succeed. Eat Right All The Time If you want to start a diet, you will want to stick to a diet thatRead More →
Many people around the country and around the world need to lose weight. For most, exercise and diet are the two main factors for losing weight. Once you have your exercise routine set, you will then need to work on the quality of your diet. If you use a high protein, low carb diet plan, you can significantly lose the weight and fast. What A High Protein, Low Carb Diet Can Do For You A high protein, low carb diet can work for your body in a few important ways. First of all, it is important to learn exactly how this type of diet works.Read More →