A great deal has been published about low carb diets recently. From being a fad, to being endorsed and celebrated by celebrities and everything in between.
Why is it so controversial?
It is controversial because as with most fast track fad diets it focusses on rapid weight loss. Rapid weight loss is never the key to a happy relationship with food or your body. If we focus too much on what we should not eat and measure our success on the celebrities promoting these diets it will only ever be a short-term solution and disappointment looming around the corner.
What can be done?
To begin with it is essential to understand that all food groups are important and essential for our bodies. The way we function depends very much on how we treat and feed our engine that is our body.
What gets missed most of the time that the brain needs to be taken care of too. Yes, the brain! We cannot measure it, it has no BMI, neither can we weigh it, but forms a very important part to change your food lifestyle.
How to start?
Low Carbs Diet Expert can help with tips and tricks to change the attitude towards food, diets and lifestyle. It may all sound very complicated at first, but our step by step guide can support you on your way.
With easy to understand facts, LCDE will try to inform you of the basics and encourage you to try easy recipes to get you set up for a long term Low Carb lifestyle. No more dieting on and off, keep healthy and keep your preferred weight, shape all year round.