With the popularity of such diets as The Atkins Diet and The South Beach Diet, following a low carb diet plan is how most people think losing weight is achieved. However, following a low carb diet plan is not as easy as you think. Carbs are not the enemy. Carbs do not make you fat. Consuming more calories than you burn is what makes fat accumulate all over your body. However, following a low carb diet plan may work for you, it might not, but it’s more like a temporary solution to a permanent problem. Carbohydrates Your body uses carbs for energy. When you followRead More →

If you are ready to start losing weight, then a low carbohydrate vegetarian diet might be what you are looking for. There are many low carb diets out there, but for the most part these involve consuming unhealthy amounts of fat and cholesterol. While a low carbohydrate vegetarian diet seems difficult to start in the long run you will be in much better shape if you alter your eating habits and incorporate portions of the diet with your regular meals. Substitutions And Alternatives When looking at planning a low carb vegetarian meal you have to decide if you want to do a low carb veganRead More →

You’ve set your sights on a low carb diet meal plan but your friends have just invited you to go out to dinner. What are you going to do? Surely you’re not going to be able to find foods that fit within your low carb diet meal plan at a restaurant, can you? Of course you can. The internet is loaded with low carb diet menu plans that you can use to make good choices even when eating out. By learning about the content of the foods on the menus, and by making good food choices by researching the low carb diet menu plans, youRead More →

When you want to lose weight, you have to change your eating habits. However, you can’t expect to go on a diet, lose the weight, and then go right back to your old eating habits. That’s how many people end up gaining the weight right back, and some gain even more weight than they began with. To lose weight effectively, you must burn more calories than you take in. This can be done by following a high protein low carb diet plan. Notice how that didn’t say no to carbs. Carbs are good for you; your body uses carbohydrates for energy. By limiting your carbRead More →

You want to eat low carb but you just don’t know what to eat. You probably, if you’re like most people, think that eating low carb means eating the same, boring foods day after day. That’s complete nonsense. You can find free low carb diet plans in all sorts of places. There are many books written on the subject, which you can get from your library instead of buying them for great free low carb diet plans, you can go online and search for free plans, or you can ask people at your gym or people you know who have successfully lost weight for someRead More →

You might think that you’ll never find good low carb choices when eating out. After all, most of the menu items in restaurants are laden with fat and sodium and sugar; they’re not the low carb high fiber foods you’re looking to eat so that you can lose weight. However, times are changing. That’s right, restaurant companies and owners are listening to the needs of their customers by making low carb diet menu plans. You can now open menus in most restaurants and find low carb diet menu plans such as chicken breast plates, delicious salads, steak and much more. That means you can stillRead More →